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Get Optimal Tech

Optimal Technology Corporation has developed a pipeline of proprietary technologies which provides our clients the highest value. Our tech helps reduce expenses, reduce green house gases, save jobs, and improves lives. Our technology spans clean tech, prop tech, deep tech, hardware, and software. We employ innovators that feel that solutions are truly meaningful once they are optimized for the client.

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Optimal Power Solutions

Controlling Assets through Reliable Intelligence (CARIâ„¢) is a Facility Management As A Service product. It provides facility management to customers who have a need and not a budget for a facility manager. Our intelligent systems recommend how to reduce energy expenditures; discern the type of equipment and its maintenance protocol; and autonomously and remotely control smart energy appliances to lower energy costs.

VIAâ„¢, hybrid cpv module

Optimal has developed an award winning (1, 2, 3), proprietary solar module that purports to have the highest solar efficiency. The technology is called VIA(tm). VIAâ„¢ concentrates light more than 1000 times, splits the light into visible and infrared light, and then converts both streams of light into electricity. The system is designed for the utility and commercial scale.

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Technology: Services

What is VIA?

The best in solar tech

VIA is one of our proprietary technologies. We named the company based on it. VIA strategically manages the OPTIcal and therMAL properties of the solar module. And with that OPTIMAL was born. Because we are a technology corporation, the rest was straight forward. This video demonstrates how the technology works. Find out more under Technology.   

Technology: Welcome
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